Our couple

We are Laurène & Valentin, two French engineers passionate about travel. We decided to leave everything to travel on board of our faithful van Uyo. We lived abroad for a few years in the Nordic countries before deciding to leave for this great journey that was close to our hearts: the crossing of Africa.


Who am I ?

I have always loved to travel. It was my parents who shared this passion with me. When I was young, I had the chance to discover several countries with my family.

During my studies, I had the opportunity to spend a year in Sweden: a wonderful experience with beautiful encounters that made me discover travel at low cost to discover Europe.

Then, with the money I saved during my last year internship, I decided to go and discover Chile and experience travelling alone before starting my professional life.

I am also very manual, in my spare time I make pottery, pastry, cosmetics and even recently sewing for Uyo.


Who am I ?

I have always been curious and open-minded. I like to discover other cultures and ways of doing things, whether in everyday life or when travelling around the world.

This character trait led me to move to Helsinki to start my professional career as an engineer in 2018.

I am passionate about sports, eager for adventure, and love nature. My favourite sport, kayaking, allows me to combine all three and will accompany me on this journey.

Who are we ?

We are Laurène and Valentin, a French couple and we are travelling through Africa in our 4×4 van Uyo.