Our project

Africa has a lot of beautiful things to teach. That’s why throughout our trip, we have met with sustainable, ecological and social projects. Our goal is to document and share these initiatives with you. Moreover, with our camera and our best pen, we tried to make you discover Africa as we live it.

Our itinerary

In October 2021, we set out on the roads of Africa, to discover the landscapes and cultures of 13 countries.

Our itinerary had to change several times to cope with geopolitical and health conditions. We were very informed and we adapted to the variations of the trip. To learn more about our change of itinerary, you can read our article here.

More and more conscious of the impact of our society on the planet, this trip was for us, a way to question our way of life, to learn differently and to give meaning and value to each moment. Africa is a continent with great potential for its development at a time when ecology is taking a primary place. This continent is home to breathtaking and diverse landscapes from jungle to savannah to desert.

After 11 months of travel by van (dark blue line), we changed our  transportation and became bicycle tourists (beige line). An incredible adventure that we will soon document on this blog.

Our objectives


To show you Africa as we discover it through our articles and videos.


We have met inspiring people that gave us a new perspective.


Share sustainable, ecological and social projects encountered.


Learn to reduce our ecological impact, especially by traveling slowly.

Throughout our journey, we met inspiring project leaders. Entrepreneurs, developing at their scale ecological and economical solutions to help communities. Following our meetings, we wrote articles to present them to you (link below). We hope you will enjoy and be inspired by these projects!

-14.00°S 35.50°E



14.43°N 17.19°W


photo prise par Valentin en 2011

-22.00°S 135.32°E



"It's not the destination but the route that counts"

Flexibility has been our greatest asset to adapt.

Who are we ?

We are Laurène and Valentin, a French couple and we are travelling through Africa in our 4×4 van Uyo.